Who We Are

Explore The Stories

With over 15 years of flying experience and several emergencies, I had always looked at the marketplace for an affordable helmet that fit my practical flight missions and found I couldn’t get the right balance for cost, comfort and protection. That was the start of my journey to bring an affordable aviation helmet to the market in the hope we can get more pilots wearing them when their risk profile necessitates it. It feels like the beginning of the 1950’s when seatbelts were less common in automobiles and we need to really examine our perspective in that light. The problem is like wearing a seatbelt, you don’t need a helmet until you do. If you are prepared however, like a seatbelt it might just save your life one day and in the mean time, be a comfortable symbol of your dedication to flying safely to get back home to your family. 

Our Design


Find out the needs of the average pilot across a broad range of flying conditions

Idea & Concept

Identifying the best criteria for helmet protection while maintaining comfort and cost

Design & Production​

Sourcing and Designing the best components for an integrated system

Sales & Service​

Making it as easy and fast as possible to get you into your next adventure with confidence

The All New


We are so proud to release our new Helmet to the Aviation market to try and bridge the gap between safety and affordability. Now you don’t need to compromise on either with our value oriented protection system which allows you to place your safety on Auto-Pilot everytime you fly. Whether you wear our helmet or someone elses, you encourage other pilots to consider their own responsibilities and make it safely back home to their families if something should go wrong.

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